Mommy & Me Groups


Mommy & Me Groups


Mommy and me groups

There are tons of benefits to joining a moms group and I often have a surprised response when I tell people about Mommy Connections and then in the next sentence promote a different moms group.  Mommy Connections is NOT a moms group…. what is the difference?  Well, I am glad you asked!

Think of Mommy Connections as your ultimate resource on all things mom & baby (and family!) in your community.  We are basically the platform that brings businesses, products, services and classes together into one place.  Looking for a family photographer?  We will introduce you!  Have questions about your babies gums and teeth? We will provide the answer through a pediatric dentist!  Want to try out a new class like mom & baby yoga or mom & baby pilates?  Try a demo class in our program. Wondering how the heck to get the baby into a carrier and onto you without an engineer? We have certified babywearers in our programs.  So, you can learn, try, experiment and have fun in an 8 week program that lasts 90 minutes per week.  What happens at the end of the 8 weeks and from week 9 and on, is really what I am most concerned with as the President of Mommy Connections.  Just like the name says, we want to ‘connect’ ‘mommy’s’

We want to give our moms every resource possible to keep moms connected, so not only do we ensure there is lots of social time during the 8 weeks, but we also make sure all the moms have each others contact information and babies birthday’s so they can continue to meet up after our program ends.  Introducing moms to fabulous resources like momstown, Mom Net, Modern Mama, Salsa Babies, My Smart Hands gives them plenty of ideas of things to do once the weekly coffee dates at someone’s house gets boring.  The more suggestions we can give, the better!

Mommy Connections truly wants to educate moms and start their social connection that way.  Mommy Connections programs, moms groups or various classes all have one amazing thing in common; they all get moms out of isolation and into a supportive environment.  Win-win for everyone!

We are proud to announce that the owner of Coquitlam Mommy, Meghan Simington (a fab group dedicated to BOTH mom & babe meet-ups, PLUS mom outings sans-kiddos) is also now part of the Mommy Connections team and is heading up the Tri-Cities, BC area as well as Provincial Leader for British Columbia as whole.  You can learn more about what she is doing to both education and connect new moms in her interview

We applaud anyone and everyone that supports women and families from conception and beyond!

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