Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed? Are there days where you wished you could have a do-over? Do you wish you had more ease and joy in your life? If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, you are not alone. I can completely relate as my answer is “yes” to all of the above questions. Especially being the mom of two girls under the age of 2, there have been days where I yelled “You’ve got to be kidding me!” while they were both screaming at the same time.
I am happy to say that these moments have become far less frequent. I have learned how to stay centered and calm while chaos is happening around me. I know who I truly am at my core, not who I have believed myself to be over the years. My stress level is much lower and I have way more fun! I am creating the life I want to live instead of just surviving and having life just happen to me. Sound good? It is possible for everyone. You just have to know how. I can teach you the tools that have helped me immensely.
The way we live our lives is often dictated by fears or limiting beliefs we have taken on from others over the years. Most of the time, we aren’t even aware that these patterns exist and yet that is where we tend to make our decisions from.
I have learned how to identify these patterns in people, help them get rid of the blocks and connect with their inner power/essence so that they can make choices that are right for them. Basically, I help people get out of their own way and get the results they want in their lives in areas such as family, relationships, career etc. Instead of believing fears or lies about themselves that hold them back, people can shine their light from within and share their unique and special gifts. I love working with moms because I really want them to have ease and joy in their lives. Happy and fulfilled moms result in happy and fulfilled kids. My life transformation has been incredible and I love helping others find their way to peace and happiness.
If you resonate with what I have said, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation. Now is the time to start living your life on purpose. I look forward to serving you!
Glenda Lane www.glendalane.ca glenda@glendalane.ca 780-487-7298
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