Keeping your kids in pants that don’t look like they’re preparing for a flood, or shirts that are aren’t unintentional belly shirts is tough – they outgrow their clothes quickly, long before they wear them out. This spring, it’s time to take advantage of your spring cleaning fever to turn your children’s outgrown clothes and unwanted toys into cash. You could hold a garage sale of course, but children’s clothing and equipment often doesn’t sell well at this type of sale. You’ll get just small change for those fantastic Gap jeans in perfect condition, or your baby swing might not sell because garage sale shoppers are only offering you $5.
A better option is to take your children’s outgrown items to a used goods store.
There are two types of stores that specialize in selling gently used children’s clothing and equipment.
To guarantee a better offer for your items, or a higher selling price, educate yourself about what the store is looking for. Do they take summer clothing in December? Do you have to bring your items in on certain days? All stores will require your items be presented as nicely as possible; that means washing them, packing them neatly in boxes or hanging them on hangars, scrubbing any toys and replacing batteries, and weeding out any items with missing buttons, stains, etc. Some stores will only take brand names; others require clothing to be less than four or two years old.
Whether you choose to sell or consign, emptying your closets is a great way to fill up your wallet!
Sarah Deveau is a mom of three, and the author of Money Smart Mom: Financially Fit Parenting. Visit her website at or pick up her book from Chapters Indigo.
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