Ok, so this post might be me reliving my past trip to Cuba. Oooohh – one week is NOT long enough! I miss the sun, and the sand and of course the free flowing pina coladas!!!
It was our 1st international trip with our baby. Thankfully all the advice I got from Corrine from “Have Baby Will Travel” eased all my anxieties!
We spent the week in Veraderro. It was a 5 1/2 hr flight – plus the couple few hours before & after arrvial … so it makes for a pretty long day. But I must say – Baby N is a fantastic traveller. We always see the other passengers faces when they see that they are going to spend the next few hours on a plane seated by a baby. That dreaded look…. then he smiles at them and its all over. I swear this kid had them like putty in his hands. He had a few little cries here and there – but we were armed with toy cars, a bottle, Goldfish Crackers, Baby Gourmet . I LOVE LOVE LOVE that stuff…. and of course when all else fails the CoverBoo!
It definately came in handy for the flight ! They had the AC cranked in the plane so the CoverBoo doubled as blanket for both me & N ! He did manage to take a short nap during the the flight – and I could watch the movie is peace. I was forever finding different ways to wear it. At one point I had it wrapped around my head like a bandana, of course my camera
battery was dead.
It was a long, exciting day, lots to look at – the CoverBoo provided a nice little private place for him to hide and get some nap time.
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