Hello I am Sheryl. I have been mulling over this page for over two weeks now and still have not come up with some creative way to tell you who I am. Apparently the creative juices are just not flowing, it could be perhaps because life at this moment as I know it does not sit still long enough to give me time to just sit and think. It is more like “multi-tasking, thinking.” Which I am sure, if you are checking out this page, you may know a bit about, and if you do not then I am sure you will soon find out. When your little one begins to talk!! Because soon you will not only be hearing yourself think, and perhaps also squeezing in your husbands thoughts but now you will also get the little ones thoughts too. And of course they often do not realize that you were in the middle of an important “Meet the Director” document when they wanted to talk about how Thomas the Train is going to go pick up a load but before he does that he needs to stop for gas, hook up his wagon and……. Oops sometimes I forget to listen to the rest of his thoughts. No, I do love every moment of being a “multi-tasking-thinking-mommy” it’s just that some moments are more precious than others.
And that is why I present to you myself as the New Director of Mommy Connections Leduc. When I was in University to become a Recreational Therapist we often talked about the importance of creating a sense of belonging, self image and connection through our leisure. At work I am always encouraging others to find things that they enjoy, trying to connect them with their communities and the resources available.
So I believe everything happens for a reason. And when my mom told me to look more into Mommy Connections because she had just had a patient whose daughter was the director of Mommy Connections Red Deer, Claire. Mom said it sounded like a great fit for me and my life. Moms are always right and that she was. Now I have the opportunity to combine everything I love into one. Not only do I get to have my children by my side but I get to connect parents with resources amongst the community and with others in their community!! Hopefully helping to create a sense of belonging and a “Mommy” Self Image for all the “mommy’s out there.”
I know that we have all heard before the saying that “children should’ve come with how to instructions.” I like to think of Mommy Connections as a way to find out “how to” or at least empower us to make the decisions on “how we want to” raise our child. I am here to help connect you to supports and resources. And of course to have fun doing it!!
Hmm back to that multi-tasking thinking bit and meeting the director. I guess I should tell you that I live on a farm outside Pigeon Lake, where we both grain and cattle farm. My husband also works off the farm and I am currently on maternity leave with our third child. Caleb is 4, Milaya 2 and Nakoby 5mths. And I am sure as you check in on my website, which I hope you will, you will learn more about me. Hey you could even come and join a class, and then you would not only meet me but many other great individuals in your community. I really do look forward to meeting all of you and getting of f the farm once in a while.
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