10 Things Nannies Can Do To Give Working Parents More Family Time


10 Things Nannies Can Do To Give Working Parents More Family Time


One of the great things about hiring a nanny is that you can create a job description that meets your family’s unique needs. By having your nanny take on tasks that you normally do, you can free up your time so that you can connect with your family in new ways. While typical nanny duties only include child-related tasks, many nannies are willing to take on additional duties if they don’t interfere with providing great care and the nanny is compensated fairly.

Get the kids ready for the next day.

  • Morning routines can be tough for parents. However, if you can get out from under the details of getting out the door, you can enjoy a relaxing breakfast with your child. Your nanny can help make this happen by establishing routines that ease morning struggles. Each afternoon, she can help your child pick out clothes for the next day, complete her homework, pack a healthy lunch, and pull together anything else needed, like a toy for show-and-tell or her science fair project.

Keep track of and prepare for school related happenings.

  • There’s always something happening at school, whether it’s a big project that’s due in two weeks, the class is involved in a fundraising project, or a field trip is coming up. Your nanny can tackle the information overload by emptying your child’s backpack every afternoon, entering important dates on the family calendar, rounding up permission slips and other forms that need to be signed, buying that Get Well card for the sick teacher, baking cupcakes for the class party, and all the other jobs that keep things running smoothly.

Inventory needed kid supplies and clothes.

  • Kids always need something. While many parents enjoy shopping for their children, they don’t always have the time to go through what they have to figure out exactly what they need, rotate clothes each season, or figure out what fits and what doesn’t and keep a running shopping list. Your nanny can do all that for you so you can take full advantage of the shopping moments you have.

Do the grocery shopping.

  • How much time do you spend every week doing a big grocery shop and then stopping off for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread? Your nanny can take on that weekly task and make it a learning opportunity for your child to boot.

Start or cook dinner.

  • It might be important to you that your family has dinner together at least a few evenings each week, but rushing home to cook after working all day isn’t your idea of quality time. Having your nanny do the dinner prep or cooking dinner for you will give your whole family a little extra relaxing time together.

Organize the family calendar.

  • Families are busy, and it’s hard to keep track of who needs to be where and what they need to bring with them. Your nanny can act as the activity coordinator and make sure event dates, due dates, and supply lists are added to the family calendar. With several great online calendar options, she can make sure that every family member has access to updated information online.

Wait for the service guy or the delivery guy.

  • Who has time to spend 4 hours in the morning waiting for the cable or Fed Ex guy to show up? Your nanny does! With some advance notice she can invite others over for a play date or plan a fun craft with your child, making the most of the time at home.

Run personal errands.

  • Going to the pharmacy, picking up the dry cleaning, and dropping off a package to be mailed are time consuming errands that can quickly eat away at your weekend family time. Having your nanny run errands on her way to the park or after a play date is an easy way to get things done.

Give you one on one time with an older child.

  • It’s hard to find time to spend individual time with an older child when a new baby or toddler is demanding your attention. By having your nanny care for your younger child in the evening or on a weekend morning, you can connect in an important way with an older child.

Tackle family laundry.

  • Another time consuming task your nanny can take on is keeping up with laundry. Your nanny already does your child’s laundry, but she can also take on household towels, sheets, and your laundry. This means you won’t spend Sunday afternoon washing, drying, folding, and putting away clothes to get ready for the upcoming week.

Finding family time is hard for working parents. Nanny employers are lucky to have a trusted caregiver and household partner to help them squeeze out extra time with their kids.

Guest Blog Post  Written By: 4 Nannies


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