There are definitely the good days (okay, maybe combined moments) that make all of the sleepless nights, mess and chaos worth it. Here is one that I happened to capture while making supper – I’m pretty sure Julie Andrews was singing something joyous in the background and the HILLS WERE DEFINITELY ALIVE. Spinning happiness!
There are other moments that fake you into thinking things are just peachy; this one for example is my family on a Fall walk with the youngest bringing along his trusty (padded) hockey stick. Moments later, he is slashing big brother with it. I posted the peachy one, of course!
There was also that time when I was being super-mom and meal planning with the help of a few cook books and Pinterest while my sweet baby boy created exceptional playdoh masterpieces and then lost his balance, fell off of his stool at the island right next to me, and broke his wrist. That was a REAL PARENTING MOMENT! Don’t worry – it didn’t seem to faze him; he came home from the hospital and immediately hopped on his toy and rode around our main floor like a champ. The second photo below is from a few days later.
Remember, they say (Grandma’s, mostly!) these are the best of times (even with toddlers getting into their Daddy’s hair product) #stopCOMPAREnting and embrace the real side of Parenting!
To celebrate the real side of parenting – the one we don’t always see through our social media feeds – the QUAKER brand is calling on Canadian families to join the #stopCOMPAREnting movement and embrace life outside of the square.
“COMPAREnting” is when you compare your parenting style to other parents. This habit has been heightened with recent social media trends. Instead of COMPAREnting, let’s embrace the real side of parenting as a community. We’re in it together, after all.
It’s time to start celebrating all the good things we do as parents & time to stop COMPAREnting ourselves to perfection seen on social media. The Quaker brand is championing the confidence of Canadian parents to remind them that they know what’s best for their own families.
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