Written by: Jenn Wint
As a first-time Mom-to-be, entering the world of baby products can be very overwhelming. Blankets and clothing are one thing but considering the safety and monitoring of my unborn child has been a source of uncertainty. Research tells me a baby monitor is a necessity so I began looking into what factors need to be considered when choosing one. We live in a 900sqf two level apartment so range was not a huge concern but signal type and confidence that the monitor will wake me or grab my attention is important. I also like the idea of two-way communication to either soothe the baby on approach or communicate with another adult in the room. Strong battery life is also an asset for me in addition to limited, easy to use buttons; this I know from experience with my other electronics!
We were given the Vtech DM251-102 Safe & Sound Digital Audio Monitor to test and on first look, I like it! It seems small, simple and unobtrusive. The set up was relatively easy and although our child is not yet born, my husband and I put it to work downloading baby crying sounds and locking his iPhone in the bedroom before heading upstairs. With the monitor off I couldn’t hear a thing so when we turned it on I was surprised at how loud and clear the crying was. Our apartment feels quite cozy so I was impressed so much could go on in the baby’s room with us upstairs, unawares. The Vtech monitor has some significant features beyond sound transmission. It monitors temperature which for me is quite important, as our baby’s room is downstairs where it can be much warmer or cooler than upstairs.
With up to 300m range and two-way communication between the parent unit and the baby unit, the talk-back feature, I feel comfortable we’ll know what’s going on and not feel the need to be going in and out of the room. The baby unit offers soothing sounds and lullabies which seem like a good distraction but I’m still figuring out if they can be activated remotely from the parent unit.
Another feature with the Vtech DM251-102 is the open/close sensors to put on doors and windows. At first these seemed like something we wouldn’t need until the baby is old enough to climb out of its crib but after a discussion on safety we decided we could put one on the window to alert us if anything were coming in (or out!) This will be useful during summer when we’d like to leave the window open to allow a breeze in.
The most obvious feature this monitor doesn’t have is a video function. Not having the option to observe the baby sleeping could save hours of observing peaceful slumber and alleviate undue concern when the little guy is motionless, but without it I wonder how many times I’ll go in the room to test that the monitor is working when there are no audible sounds. Overall I think this monitor will serve us really well. It has a range that will allow us to go into the backyard or communal laundry room down the apartment hall and the sound is distinct and interference-free. The fact that the parent unit vibrates and can clip onto my pocket makes me confident it will grab our attention.
A loud, clear solution to one of the uncertainties of impending parenthood!
Vtech DM251-102 Safe & Sound Digital Audio Monitor with Open/Closed Sensor Features
Our little boy has arrived and we’ve had a chance to use the monitor and check out more features! Read our review here.
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