How to Get Your Child Active from an Early Age


How to Get Your Child Active from an Early Age


Written by: Alanta Lowe

Engage in a Healthy Lifestyle

My kids are always so active and energetic I feel like a slug compared to them! Kids have such an incredible energy about them that they can run around, laugh and giggle at the small things, and enjoy one another’s company.

It truly is a beautiful sight to see.

Being around them makes me feel re-energized, but that doesn’t mean we’re active in exercise or activity. Being involved in a healthy lifestyle includes a change in eating habits, exercising, and making sure you teach your kids how to continue those habits throughout their life.

Being involved with your children while their young is a critical step to a healthy lifestyle for them.

Being Active with Your Children

Being active with your child is crucial to helping them engage in a healthy way of life. You want to help them make good decisions about their food choices and what they put into their bodies.

These skills will benefit them as they get older and have more options of foods to eat and activities to choose from. Knowing what options are the best to fuel their bodies and minds with will also help them to stay on the right path.

Diet and Nutrition

I’m not telling you to put your kids on a diet, but what I am saying is to watch what you put in front of your children to eat. Healthy food and meal choices are things you want your child to be able to recognize and pick when they have options.

Make sure you include your child in making meals, preparing lunches and snacks, and talk to them about food. Tell them about serving sizes of vegetables, talk to them about how important water is for their bodies, and make sure they understand the differences between good sugar and fats from the bad ones.

Bad sugars and fats add on extra weight, make you more fatigued, and are the cause of sugar crashes. These are all bad for your health, and while they’re good in moderation, these are substances that you should use moderation.

Activity and Exercise

While it’s ideal for your children to run around the house and play with one another, it’s also important for them to go outside into the sunshine (which helps your body absorb Vitamin D) and socialize with other children.

Encourage your kids to play with others by setting up a pool in the summer time, playing volleyball if you have a net, encouraging games of tag, leapfrog, and red rover. Encouraging your kids to play outside will help keep the inside video games and lounging to a minimum.

Another activity to involve your children in, if you live away from other kids or want some alone time with your kids, is exercising with them. You can get a great workout with your kids, even if your kid is riding in a stroller. This will show them that their parent is active and that is a regular activity for them to participate in.

Engaging with Your Child

Involving your child in exercise routines that you do, even if it’s yoga or aerobics, try to get your child to participate. These activities, involved with a parent, will instill a sense of being active in them. These activities and exercises will encourage your children throughout their life.

As you work out with your child, talk to them and encourage discussion, questions, and concerns. They might not always like a certain exercise, and that’s fine. You don’t want to force or coerce a child into an activity, rather find something that motivates them and try to include it the next time.

You want to encourage a healthy lifestyle, not force it or demand it.

Building a Healthy Lifestyle

Keeping your child active and healthy are things that all parents want to do. We all want to see our children healthy and living long lives. Encourage healthy behaviors, get active with your children, eat healthily and engage your child in all the activities.

How do you encourage healthy behavior in your children? What are some of your favorite exercises to do with your children? How has getting healthy affected you and your child’s relationship?

About Alanta

I’m Alanta who the mother of two wonderful children. I have been writing informational blog posts for parents for a few years now. I hope I can help you with your questions and concerns with parenting. You can visit her blog at TopTenStrollers or follow me on twitter @AlantaLowe


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