Written by: @GabDiesendorf
The transition from a stay-at-home mum to the full-time working one can be challenging. This is especially true if you were employed prior to the pregnancy, and now you have to go back to the hustle and bustle of career work after spending the last two or more years immersed in mummy duties. However, with a few easy tips, you’ll overcome this barrier easily and be a happy working parent your child will look up to one day.
Separation anxiety is common and quite normal, so be prepared to shed a few tears on your first day back at work. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it, just know that the baby will be fine at the day care or with their nanny. If the child is well adjusted, cared for and loved, they’ll have no trouble growing up healthy. What’s more, studies have shown that there are numerous long-term benefits for children whose mums work full time, and some of them include better flexibility when they grow up, more independence, and better planning skills.
Once you decide it’s time to go back to work, it’s important that you are 100% certain that it is what you want and need at the moment. The reasons may not be the same as they were when you started working before you had a baby, so it’s essential that you have your priorities straight. If you’ve had a stressful high-powered job, you might want to reconsider your career, especially now that your bundle of joy needs a happy and rested mother. A flexible working environment alongside standard working hours will be the most suitable for both you and your little one.
Jobs evolve from year to year, so it’s important that you are still up to date with all the innovations in technology. What’s more, learning a few new skills while on the maternity leave can only look good on your resume, which can get you an even better job. However, If you aren’t tech-savvy, consider some of the best aged care traineeships to get a certificate in aged care.
Staying in contact with your colleagues while taking the time off is essential if you want to go back to work as soon as possible. You’ll be up to date, and they’ll manage to recommend some new people you could meet and discuss job offers with in case your former colleges can’t offer you any career opportunities. Stay active on LinkedIn and Facebook and be available to any potential employers who might have heard about you.
For some mums it’s highly stressful to be away from their child almost the entire day, so looking for mummy-friendly jobs can be a good idea. You’ll still set a good example for your little one, but also be able to spend more time with them. Browse through websites and look for back-to-work toolkits that will offer you many ideas on how to relaunch a career now that you have a baby to look after as well. Furthermore, be prepared for an interview at any time, and practice speaking to a potential employer. Learn about the company that you’re interested in, and have questions of your own to ask too.
Going back to work after you’ve had a baby can be stressful, but it’s highly beneficial for both you and your child. You’ll be fulfilled, and your child will have a good role model who will help them become a responsible, organised, and happy adult.
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