Eating healthy can sometimes feel like a chore. Especially when you’re stuck eating the same thing over and over. Why not do yourself a favor and try something new? By making just a few swaps here and there, you may be surprised by how both your palette and your body responds!
We’ve put together a list of 12 health foods you may have never heard of before, all inspired by an infographic we stumbled upon earlier this week.This Infographic Was Supplied by Meal Delivery Experts. We’re pretty sure most people haven’t heard of some of the unique foods on our list. That’s exactly why we wanted to share them with you.
Each food we included on our list was added because it’s not only good for you, but it tastes delicious too! Take oca, for example. It’s similar to a sweet potato but somehow is even healthier and tastier than the popular side dish ingredient.
Maybe you’re a fruit fiend? Try biting into a cherimoya instead of an apple and be amazed as your taste buds come alive. There’s a reason it’s commonly referred to as a “custard apple!”
If you’re looking at our list and feeling a bit intimidated by these new ingredients, we completely understand. It certainly takes a step or two outside of your comfort zone to try a new food. Especially one that looks as bizarre as romanesco or a kiwano melon!
But rest assured, the foods on our list are easy to eat. Some of them can even be eaten raw, like starfruit and dragon fruit! Just remember to peel them first, of course.
As for the other ones, a simple online search will reveal dozens of delicious ways to cook with each of the ingredients on our list. To make things a little easier for you, we’ve included two of our favorite recipes.
Remember that when it comes to eating healthy, a little bit can go a long way. These foods are so full of flavor and nutrition, you’ll wish you had discovered them sooner. Give the following recipes a try and rest assured you’re doing your body well.
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