Anyone who has suffered from stretch marks knows that they can severely damage someone’s self esteem, and lead to them becoming uncomfortable in their own skin. Most people with stretch marks got them during pregnancy, but other factors can contribute such as; weight loss, or genetics. Stretch marks are typically caused by any rapid stretching of the skin, which damages collagen and tears the dermis layer of the skin. For those looking at cures and remedies, the answer might be sitting right in the kitchen. Coconut Oil. While there are many store bought creams that aim to help, coconut oil is a cheap and efficient alternative. It has antioxidants which help in restoring the elasticity of the skin.
For anyone wanting to be rid of stretch marks, try out any of these five Coconut Oil home remedies.
This is the easiest remedy to use. Simply take a scoop of Coconut Oil, massage it over the stretch marks, and allow it to absorb into the skin. This is best done after showering, as the oil absorbs better on damp skin. It is recommended for pregnant women to do this everyday during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks.
This remedy requires half a cup of liquified Coconut Oil, and half a cup of coffee grounds. Mix the two ingredients together, pour into molds, and allow them to sit for five hours. After that, store them in the refrigerator. Before taking a shower, grab a mold and scrub it over the stretch marks.
Take two tablespoons of Coconut Oil, and mix it with one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Massage it into the stretch marks for five minutes, allow it to absorb for ten minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Any remaining mixture can be saved for use in the future.
For this one, you will just need a few drops of Coconut Oil and a few drops of Olive Oil. Mix the two together, massage it into the skin, and allow it to absorb completely. Pregnant women can also do this in place of remedy one in order to prevent any future stretch marks they may get.
Take half a cup of Coconut Oil and mix it with one cup of sugar and one cup of salt. Massage it into the skin for five minutes, then leave it for ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. This is another mixture that can be saved for the future.
In order to get the best results, repeat at least one of these remedies every day. If you are pregnant and wanting to try out these remedies, just be sure not to put too much pressure on the belly. Keep in mind that it takes consistent use of any of theses in order to cure stretch marks once and for all, but if you can integrate it into your daily routine then you should find results within a few months.
Author’s Bio: Daniel Chabert
Hockey fan, risk-taker, ukulelist, International Swiss style practitioner and HTML & CSS lover. Operating at the junction of minimalism and mathematics to create great work for living breathing human beings.
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