One moment you're a brand-new mom, then you blink, and you're packing for daycare! You're probably asking yourself where the time went – and what and how do I pack for daycare!? The most important factor for a smooth and…
Read MoreWhy this should be on your list of what to buy baby for Christmas One moment you’re holding a tiny newborn in your arms, and the next second they’re sitting up on their own, scooting, crawling and even pulling up…
Read MoreDJ Bouncin’ Beats by Fisher Price has been a cool new addition to our family! This interactive musical learning toy has both my 22 month old and 4 year old bouncing, dancing, singing and giggling - all at the same…
Read MoreI always dreamed of having two babies who would grow up to be best friends with their built-in playmate to take on life with. When I was pregnant for a second time, we learned we would be having another boy.…
Read MoreLike many new mothers, I remember being caught off guard by the unsightly rash that both of my babies developed in those first few weeks of life. Their once rosy and soft skin instead became inflamed, irritated and painful looking. …
Read MoreFor the last little while, my kids would only eat certain foods and nothing else. Sound familiar? Although it might be a phase, I started to worry about the nutrients they were getting. At a recent checkup, my doctor advised…
Read MoreWhen my kids wake up in the morning the first thing they ask is: “Is it school today?” Quickly followed by: “Can I have my vitamins?” Ah yes, there is a certain satisfaction—dare I say a Mom Victory—when my kids…
Read MoreAs a mother (especially a new one), it’s not uncommon to feel tired a lot of the time. You might write it off as a byproduct of the many sleepless nights that no doubt you experience. Maybe you’re still getting…
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