Hello to all of of you Durham mommies, daddies and mommies-to-be!
My name is Heather Watson and I am a wife to my hubby-in-crime, Karl and a mommy of three: our first born son Elijah, (born in August 2012 watches over us from heaven), our rainbow baby girl Karmyn (born October 2013) and our youngest wildest Watson, Kaiya (born in July 2016),
I decided to become a Program Director for Mommy Connections while on maternity leave from my amazing career in the Insurance Industry. Since Karmyn was born, I just couldn’t imagine myself leaving her and returning to my job as an Accident Claims Adjuster. I began to brainstorm how I could possibly bridge the gap between my two loves: staying home with Karmyn and socializing with new mommies and their little ones. That’s when Mommy Connections was introduced to me and I haven’t looked back since it’s Durham launch in April 2014.
Bringing such a unique concept to Durham Region is exactly what was needed. Our community is all about family and children and there are several resources available to us. However there is nothing in place to advise us of these resources…until now.
I am so excited to meet all of you and be able to provide you with some much sought-after information and resources available through our programs that may not have, otherwise, been available.
Relationships will be formed between all of us and our children that may last for years to come. For me and for my girls and for our family, it really can’t get any better than that. Make those connections, find your mom squad. You can do it!
And I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.
Love, Heather.