About Us

For new moms who want to find joy amid the chaos of early parenthood and a supportive community to rely on when the going gets tough, Mommy Connections offers a place for you and your babe to learn, laugh and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Over the course of 10 years, we’ve built a village of thousands, one mom at a time, and dedicated ourselves to making motherhood a little more manageable – and a lot more fun – through weekly classes, baby-friendly events and expert advice on topics that matter.

Prepare for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood


Learn, play and grow with baby while connecting with other moms
(0-18 MONTHS)


Try new things and go on an adventure with your toddler


A Message from Oakville‘s Chapter Director

Hello, Oakville Moms! I’m Jen Ellis, the Director of Mommy Connections Oakville.

My journey as a mom began three years ago when my first daughter was born. It was early January—cold, dark and so snowy. Like many moms I wasn’t sleeping, and breastfeeding around the clock. While I was fortunate that my friends also had kids around the same time, I felt trapped by the winter and longed to make connections with local moms.

At the time I was living in the High Park neighbourhood and joined Mommy Connections West Toronto. It was a consistent highlight of my week! I got out and met other moms in a supportive environment, and I felt less alone. I learned so much about my baby as well as my recovering body, and I had fun! After each session I felt energized and motivated. An unexpected benefit: I made a friend, who also has a daughter just a week older than my own.

My family moved to Mississauga in summer 2018. I love it in the west end—it’s such an amazing place to raise a family, and I’m proud to call it home.

In October 2018 I joined the Mommy Connections team, facilitating for our Oakville chapter. I then took over the Mississauga chapter in January 2019, and in 2020, Oakville and Burlington. In addition to my role with Mommy Connections I run a Public Relations consultancy, having worked in Communications for a decade, and also work as a professional contemporary/hip hop dancer and dance educator.

I am passionate about helping parents make meaningful connections. Through Mommy Connections, I hope that you can find your mom village like I found mine. I look forward to engaging with each of you, helping nurture this awesome community of Oakville moms, and bringing you the best baby- and child-focused resources that the city has to offer.

If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you at jennifere@mommyconnections.ca.

We’re all in this wild and wonderful journey of parenthood together.



“Mommy Connections is a fabulous resource to connect you with services and activities in your community, but above all, it is about connecting you with other moms who you can share the highs and lows of motherhood with.”

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