The first year of my daughters life, I felt like she was constantly sick. Nothing crazy that needed hospitalization or anything, but just a constant runny nose, head cold and cough; there were more than a few sicknesses that even required antibiotics. I remember one day having the feeling of “I just can’t take another sickness going through this house”. I thought the fact that I was an extended breast feeder meant that her body was packed full of antibodies working hard to fight off cold and flus; this was very much not the case for us. She ate well, slept well and we did everything we could (other than throw a bubble around her), and the sicknesses just kept happening.
The following year I was determined to take preventative measures to boost her immunity! I was not interested in spending another 6 months quarantining us from all the amazing winter activities, so I started my research. That’s when I came across Echinaforce Junior, echinacea tablets. Echinacea purpurea is known for its antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. I found it appealing as it was said to reduces cold and flu symptoms by 65% and cuts the need for antibiotics by 76%. I had taken echinacea as a child and remember my mom always talking about the benefits, so we gave it a try.
Almost instantly, we noticed that the sicknesses that reared their ugly head the year before, were kept at bay. Throughout the winter months, we had maybe one or two mild colds, but NOTHING severe that required us to stay at home. No big fevers and best of all, NO antibiotics. The winter was much more enjoyable and I was much more confident in taking her places, knowing we had this immune booster on our sides.
This year, we have maintained the same regime and she started taking Echinaforce once again this September. My partner and I just got over a two week debilitating head cold and cough and she scrapped by with a mild case of the sniffles.
Echinaforce comes in a small tablet that is grape flavoured, very easy for little ones to chew and also sugar and gluten-free. We give it to her nightly after dinner and disguise the tablet as her “candy” which she’s actually come to enjoy as her reward for eating a good dinner! We keep it in the kitchen and if I forget to give it to her (which lets face it, moms do), she has learned to ask for it! It has become incredibly easy to incorporate into our daily routine.
Keeping a toddler healthy in the wicked Winter months of Ottawa is hard. They put everything in their mouths, touch everything, often somehow end up on the floor… they are not the most “health conscious” individuals. I’ve come to learn that sicknesses are inevitable and though we practice proper hand washing (soooooo super important) it takes 2 seconds for your tot to touch something nasty then touch their mouths. I am not saying that this is the magic pill to keep all cold and flus away. But what I am saying is that for our family, it has substantially decreased the frequency, severity and duration of the illnesses that have formerly passed through her tiny little body. Echinacea Tabs helps your immune system stop germs before an infection takes hold and after seeing the benefits, we will undoubtedly continue giving her (and our next little one) to support us all through these difficult months.
A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior Chewable Tabs – Immune System Support
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