Date: Thursdays, Feb 13- Mar 6, 2025

Time: 1-2pm

Location: Various Locations


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Learn, have fun with your baby, and meet other new moms in West Toronto! 

Is your baby on the move? We have a program for that! The days of chatting with other moms while your baby naps may be over – but it doesn’t mean the fun has to stop!  

This program is a great opportunity to learn, have fun and socialize with your crawler or early walker. We will visit and sample 4 different mom & baby activities, like music, gymnastics, swimming and more.  Each week is a new location!  Please take note of the location addresses in the sample agenda.

This program runs on Thursdays, Feb 13- Mar 6 and costs $109+hst.  It runs from 1-2pm and is best suited for babies 6-18 months.  We will do our best to host classes in person, however we reserve the right to move classes to a virtual format in the event of illness or government restrictions.  View our full cancellation policy here.

Click ‘Register Now’ to grab your spot – or email and ask away if you have questions. 

It takes a village. We’re here to help you build yours.

Sample Session  Agenda

Class topics are subject to change

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How old should my baby be when I register?


A: The ideal time to do this program is when your baby is between 6-18 months – your baby doesn’t technically need to be ‘moving’! 

If your baby is older, we offer a Travelling Tots program for 1.5 to 4 years.


Q: Can I attend just a few classes?

A: Single sessions are not available. A huge focus of our program is community building, which can only be created when a group is consistent from start to finish. 


Q: How many moms are in each class?


A: We aim to keep classes at or below 12 participants to foster a cozy, community feel.

Q: When will I find out the schedule of topics/activities? Are the classes types/activities guaranteed?


A: You will receive a schedule via email before your session begins. A sample schedule is available above.  We cannot guarantee that a particular type of class (like CPR, yoga, or music) will be a part of any given session. Class topics change slightly from session to session and are subject to local experts’ availability. We can, however, promise you a great mix of things!


Q: What is your cancellation policy?


A: Please note, registration cancellations are subject to a $30 administration fee, view our full cancellation policy here. A minimum of 8 participants are needed in order to run this class. In the event that we need to cancel due to low registration, you will receive a full refund.


Q:  Have you made any changes due to COVID-19?


A.  Please read our new policy here.


Stay connected with us via our Facebook page, or follow along on Instagram!