Meet the Team

Meet Our North York Director: Jessica Malley

Why, HELLO there! Welcome to the Mommy Connections North York site, I’m so glad you dropped by! My name is Jessica and I am the Director for the North York and York Region chapters.

A bit about me. I am an educator by profession and have always found great joy in working closely with children and their families. I’ve worked in the TDSB for the past 17 years throughout the Greater Toronto Area. While I have discovered my love for supporting new moms and building communities, I have several other true passions: food (who doesn’t love a delicious meal?! Bonus points if I didn’t have to cook it!), friends (especially mom friends), and the Arts (Hamilton, anyone?!) From competing professionally in Rhythmic Gymnastics at a young age, to becoming an accomplished pianist to diving deep into the dance world and becoming a Latin Dance and certified Zumba instructor, I love to challenge myself and grow as a person, both physically and creatively.

Despite all of this, I don’t think anything could have prepared me for motherhood! I am a mom of two little ones, Zachary (4 years) and Alexis (2 years). It has been a beautiful, and at times difficult journey, but I am honoured now to be a part of yours.

Back in 2019, I took my first steps into the Mommy Connections family when I joined a Mom+Baby program in Leaside with my first born, Zach. Little did I know, those initial connections would blossom into life-changing friendships. Despite the challenges posed by COVID (hello pandemic life!), the bonds formed during that time have been invaluable. Fast forward four years and another baby later, I’ve discovered profound and meaningful connections within the Mommy Connections York Region community.

The overwhelming joy of running the York Region chapter has been an incredible journey. It’s been a privilege to witness the growth and support within that community. Therefore, it only felt natural to extend this journey back to my old stomping grounds in North York. Returning to where I grew up, where I’m familiar with the people and places; it feels like coming full circle. My aim is to infuse the North York mama community with the same enthusiasm and warmth that has defined my experience in York Region.

I cannot imagine my life without Mommy Connections and I am so excited to help you start, or continue, your journey in parenting, learning and growing friendships with your new mama besties.


With love,

“Whether you’re looking for advice or just to commiserate about the sleepless nights, I’d highly recommend Mommy Connections!”

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