About Us

For new moms who want to find joy amid the chaos of early parenthood and a supportive community to rely on when the going gets tough, Mommy Connections offers a place for you and your babe to learn, laugh and connect with others in a meaningful way.

Over the course of 10 years, we’ve built a village of thousands, one mom at a time, and dedicated ourselves to making motherhood a little more manageable – and a lot more fun – through weekly classes, baby-friendly events and expert advice on topics that matter.

Prepare for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood


Learn, play and grow with baby while connecting with other moms
(0-18 MONTHS)


Try new things and go on an adventure with your toddler


A Message from Hamilton‘s Chapter Director

Hey Mamas and Mamas to be of Hamilton!!! I’m Ericka spelled with a CK, Director of Mommy Connections Hamilton.

My motherhood journey began in 2015 when I had my now 8 year old boy. We were living in Toronto and all my friends were single, married with no kids, or back home in the Philippines. To say that mat leave was quiet, was an understatement. And yes it was winter. There was nowhere to go but in our tiny studio apartment. My son brought us so much joy, but the first few months were very very very hard. I thought it was not going to end.

I did not have friends around me. My parents were still working and in a different city. The only solace I had was my husband when he came home in the evening from work. I had no clue about many things and often find myself googling stuff about sleep (I heard they should be sleepy in the first few weeks, why is mine not), poop (what is the healthy colour?), breastfeeding (is this really harder than labour) and literally all the questions I have about raising this tiny human.

Fast forward to 2020, we were pregnant with our second. We moved to Hamilton. Postpartum was actually enjoyable despite the world being shut. I had more knowledge and experience. I had mom friends whom I can text when I have questions or memes to share. The suburban life was quiet and slow. And on that one fateful summer day, I had messaged an account called Mommy Connections Hamilton. They were starting this community in my city! My daughter was too old for the program, so I joined in as their photographer.

Since then, I have met and photographed over hundreds of moms since day one the Hamilton chapter started. This community is very dear and special to my heart. I met moms who were coming back from one season to the next and forming friendships and bonds. I have seen babies literally grow during their first year of life and I was lucky enough to document it all via my lens. I knew in my heart, I wanted to serve and support this community more.

This opportunity came and I knew I had to continue and deepen its roots. As your new director, I am looking forward to continuing what has been started — providing helpful resources from experts, a safe space, fun experiences and many more moments to cherish in these tender years of motherhood.
If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you at erickam@mommyconnections.ca


“Mommy Connections is a fabulous resource to connect you with services and activities in your community, but above all, it is about connecting you with other moms who you can share the highs and lows of motherhood with.”

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