Voila – Online Grocery Delivery Review


Voila – Online Grocery Delivery Review


One of the positive things that has came out of the pandemic is that new ways of doing things that once seemed foreign, now seem normal. Virtual doctor’s visits, babies ‘chatting’ virtually with long distance relatives, and online grocery delivery.


Admittedly, I have been slow to adopt to grocery delivery. It seemed daunting to have to scroll through pages of groceries and required a level of planning I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to. Plus, how can I trust someone else to select the best-looking red peppers, and bananas that are perfectly ripe?


After hearing many rave reviews about Voilà, and seeing their signature trucks in my neighbourhood, I decided to give them a try. I found the online ordering process very easy to navigate and their selection of over 21,000 products extensive. It was easy to shop the sale items, and the amount I saved on our household staples, like cereal and yogurt, more than offset the delivery fee. Speaking of sale items, one of the benefits I found when shopping online (vs. looking at a paper flyer) is that you can see the actual savings while you are shopping. And what about my fear of planning/commitment?! You can schedule your delivery for as soon as the following day – that is a level of planning I can handle!


Now I am hooked, especially when my first delivery showed up as scheduled during a massive snowstorm and I was able to eat a delicious breakfast inside in my pajamas!

If you have been following our community for awhile, you know that I have a love affair with Farm Boy. It’s conveniently located near me, and its smaller footprint means I can get in and out of the store in minutes. However, I find myself grocery shopping at least 3 times a week and that gets tiring very quickly. Plus, its smaller size means that it doesn’t carry a lot of the items that our family needs. With a grocery home delivery service like Voilà, not only can I order all the ‘extras’ my local store doesn’t carry, but it also delivers the Farm Boy products I love!

There are certain items that I always buy from Farm Boy, some of which can be heavy and a pain to carry home, but Voilà makes it easier to order these items in bulk and I don’t have to worry about the weight of my bag. This Farm Boy lemonade is our family’s favourite, we also love their oatmeal cups (perfect for hotels when we’re away at hockey tournaments) their canned beans and their Farm Boy Not Too Hot Sauce.



Where are my 90’s chefs at?! Do you remember Looney Spoons? Two Canadian sisters inspired a generation of cooks, like me, with their healthy and fun recipes. At a recent girl’s weekend one of my friends made their Red, White and Yahoo salad and it was delish! I recreated it this weekend with help from my Voilà delivery!


Speaking of the 90’s, remember the ‘olden days’ when we went to the movie theatre all the time? My Scene+ card hasn’t seen any action since before COVID, but I dusted it off for the new partnership with Sobeys. When you add your Scene+ number to your Voilà profile, you earn rewards. 1,000 Scene+ points = $10 towards your grocery order. I was pleasantly surprised when I logged into my Scene+ account to see that I already had 776 points from my movie going days – I was only a few points away from a $10 savings on my next Voilà delivery.



Don’t worry if you live outside of Ontario – you can get fast grocery delivery in Montreal and surrounding areas with Voilà par IGA or Voilà by Safeway or Sobeys in the West. Curbside pickup service is available throughout the rest of the country, where participating stores are located.


I think there’s still time to get your order in before the next snowstorm arrives!


For a limited time, our readers have access to a special deal! Get $15 off your first 4 grocery orders, for a total savings of $60! This deal is just for being a new Voilà.ca customers when you click here!


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